giovedì, aprile 20, 2006

Visual Studio 2005 Express gratis per sempre

Visual Studio 2005 Express Announcements!

We are incredibly excited to announce that effective April 19th, 2006, all Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions including Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual J#, Visual C++, and Visual Web Developer Express will be free permanently! Prior to this pricing announcement, Visual Studio Express Editions were promotionally discounted to be free for one year, starting on November 7t, 2005. With this announcement, the promotional discount for Visual Studio Express is now permanent and Express will continue to be free.
Non che me freghi poi tanto, trovo questi accrocchi express pesanti e poco utili (a parte Sql Server Express)
La chicca da notare sono i nuovi sdk introdotti
Lego Mindstorms
Skype Wrapper for .NET

La MS si è ridotta a rilasciare wrapper di software altrui?!?

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