martedì, maggio 31, 2005


Telcotrash: No good news for VoIP in Italy
Appena si sprage un po' la voce che la Telecom rischia di perdere qualche soldo per colpa di Skype e gurda un po' cosa succede...
Italy’s Telecommunications Authority has defined the guidelines for VoIP operators and providers aimed at preventing anarchy in the market, as has happened in the US. According to the Authority, telephone calls transmitted via the ADSL broadband network, will be made equal to traditional telephony, with all of the obligations and rights which ensue for those who offer the service. Only VoIP services between two computers or those which request adapting software will be free, but there will be restrictions for those offering the service between two normal telephones, with national and international calls and with numbers included in the national numeration plan

E quindi tasseranno Skype[IN/OUT]... che schifo dico io
